My Body, My movement – Dance
Dance Church – Ecstatic Dance – Embodied Dance
Dates and Themes:
January 24, 5 pm: We dig deep
February 7, 4 pm – 8 pm: Festival of Lights Week. The Turning of the Bear- dance. This will include shamanic journeying, drumming, focused embodied dance.
February 21, 4 pm
March 14, 5 pm: Spring
April 18, 5 pm: Earth Day dance. Hoping for in-place and no limits!
May 16, 3 pm: Final Dance of season. Hoping for in-place and no limits!
“You can’t dance”. No one has the right to speak such things to anyone else. You can’t dance, You can’t sing. You can’t draw, etc etc. The constant comparison squashes every human’s innate ability to create, to breathe, to exist. So with this in mind, I would like to offer Minun kehoni, Minun liikeni tanssi / My Body, My movement – Dance online and in place sessions.
Now begins the Spring season. We gather together to Dance, explore movement, enjoy movement, learn about movement, stretch our bodies and boundaries, dance into light and rainbows, clouds and rain, thunder and lightening, dirt and mud – even the bog. My body, My movement is to enjoy my body’s movement and music. To express and explore. This is especially for those who are at home alone, who have fallen through the cracks yet still sense a glimmer of hope. We shall dance that hope!
In dance traditions there is embodied movement: when I take fully conscious movement, aware of connecting with space and place and time, heart and mind. This flows into ordinary life through becoming more present and aware of boundaries, more confidence of one’s own body and all its amazingness no matter the size, shape, constrictions, restrictions. Everyone can move or someone can assist and help you move! Gender and age are not present. All are welcome.
Programme: we open in circle, we dance and we close in circle. You do not have to dance the entire time. You may sit-out – keeping even just the smallest of movement-, rest, chill and wonder to your heart’s content. Occasionally there will be Friends along who are musicians or dancers and may guide us. The dance part is for one- to one-and-a-half hours, normally.
Guest Friends or Friendly guests: sometimes present via internet or in-place are friends who are in the field and forest of dance or music. Live music and live dance direction comes our way!
On-line: Zoom link, closed online group.
In-place: we will each be moving in our own space within the room, observing social distancing. Being together in a group yet distanced adds its own elements of explorations. Because the space is limited, so also the participants to ten.
Sign-up: You will need to reserve a place by sending a text message with name, date to Christiana +358 50 494 7030 or info (at) who will respond with an acceptance message and support information. When you have sent some support, a personal zoom link will be sent.
Support by gifting 10 €- 20€ or more incl 24% alv. Part of the support goes to Patruuna House, part to those guesting and to Christiana.
The dance will run no matter if there is one person or full group.
Place: Patruunatalo, Iso Sali
In-place with you: water/kombucha/mate bottle, small towel, clothes in which to move, ear plugs if sensitive ears, indoor socks.
On-line with you: internet connection, video contact, space to move, headphones or good speakers.
Last minute: you can try and come at the last minute by sending a message to Christiana. Her phone will be open until 15 min before beginning the dance.
What is gifting? It goes beyond exchange which is “I do something for you and you have to then in return, give me something of equal value.” Gifting is giving that which you can, that which you feel lead to support the individual live/survive because you understand they have a desire to continue to live, do what they do, and they have a need…
Led by Christiana Aro-Harle