Soul Path & Retrieval: I song of the Dance of Raven series

Dance of Raven is a three-part song series of shamanic healing workshops focused on soul-work from a shamanic-animistic perspective. The first is Soul Path & Retrieval followed by Death, Dying and Transformation and Ancestral Fathers and Mothers Shamanic healing (usually when Honeypaws wakes up).

Each one is rooted in the other, building upon the work and experiences of the previous workshop(s).

Dance of Raven Song I
Soul Path and Retrieval

March 24-27, 2022

Traditions-Peoples around Mother Earth have viewed that we are made of more than one soul; that we have many souls. Soul loss and soul retrieval have their roots in the spirit world. It may happen that a part of our Soul leaves when we try to live with a situation too long, or we give more to others be it human or corporate, that our personal balance is moved, forced, coerced into dis-balance. For a short while we may survive, for our soul desires wholeness, but sometimes returning doesnt happen. It is one of the main reasons for serious illnesses.

Soul-loss, losing part of your soul, can create feelings of not being connected to your body, your own feelings and relationships and Life itself. The joy of Life leaves us. We feel disconnected. Long-term abuse or illnesses, auto-immune challenges, grief which never passes, addictions, car crashes, and especially PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) all have their roots in soul loss. Soul-loss can occur on an individual, group, locality and even country level. Places, villages, countries, tribes can suffer group soul loss. Soul retrieval work is a very powerful way to return to wholeness.

The shamans task is to find the lost part(s) and return them to the person. A joint responsibility between the shaman and the ill person is created during and after the retrieval.

During this time we focus on diagnosis of soul loss and its return; psycho-pomp involved in returning soul-parts, celebrating their return as well as the ethics of integration and follow-up work.

We also take a glimpse at how soul retrieval can be used with other therapy modalities and how they can support each other.

Participants are asked to be well grounded in their own shamanic journey work and have firm contact with their power animals/spirit helpers and preferably have participated in a basic workshop.

You do not have to have a therapy background, but you are very, very welcome if you do!! And although we work with ourselves and with others in the group, this is not a therapy session!

These workshops are teachings in shamanic techniques, the shamanic way and worldview. The foundation is an animistic worldview with purposeful intent on multi-cultural gleanings. Christiana threads together what she has gathered/lived/learned over 30 yrs of shamanic healing experiences as well as all that has occurred before! As always, Spirit will guide us and tailor-make this workshop just for those who gather together

Place: 95355 Koivu, Lappi, Finland between Kemi – Rovaniemi

Price: 370 incl. 24% VAT. Price includes full board and breaks, all linens, shared rooms (2-3 persons), wood-burning sauna, teachings.

Reservations: 75 by 28.02.2022: Christiana +358 50 494 7030 text or Include name, email/contact info and message KOIVUSoul. Bank information sent. Refunds 14 days or less are not returned. Sponsor someone! In event of cancellation, all payments returned. Upon receipt of reservation fee, arrival instructions and what to bring information shall be sent. Cash, bank deposit, mobile pay.

Questions? Please contact Christiana.

Schedule: 24.03 arrival and begin 3 pm. and finish on Sunday 27.03 by 4 pm.


Mar 24 - 27 2022


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm



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