Shamanic drum-birthing retreat: Reindeer skin and Branch of Mother Tree
With Christiana Aro-Harle & Tanja Kangas
27 June – 3 July 2022
Särkjärvi, Ruotsinpyhtää
If we speak of tradition of shaman’s drum-making then we can speak of many years of it coming into being. These drum’s were not born overnight nor in a weekend. A shaman might dream of their drum for years or even days, but the work needed to birth it would last over days, nights, even years. During this week-long workshop you are invited to bring your dream with you and work intensely. This drum may be your drum you use in shamanic healing, it may be your initiation onto another path of your Life, it may be a community drum. During this week-long retreat part of your path may be revealed through birthing of the shaman’s drum.
The shaman’s drum is alive and has a spirit. This helping spirit is intimately connected with the shaman’s healing work whether for self, others or place. Within numerous cultures over the world the shaman’s drum can be heard pulsating in earth and sky and ourselves. This is a week-long excursion into the Spirit World, Spirits of Nature and your own World.
The Spirits, stories and traditions handed down through time guide us as they have guided our ancestors in making the shaman drum. We explore various stories and traditions from Northern Europe, Siberia, and North America while learning to work intimately with the Spirits in the making of our own healing drums during this intensive week. Shaman drums are often made by the shaman healer and relatives. We work individually and as a community. Drums are born from reindeer skin and split-pine frames, fire, water, earth and sky.
During this focused weeklong period we work through our spirit helpers and the shamanic journey, connecting with the spirits of nature, of direction and place to assist our work. Participants have opportunities to make out-sitting with the sun filled night. Through the help of our Spirit helpers and the Land we learn how to honour our drum and begin the path of working with it. The past and present through the shaman’s healing drum are our guides for living everyday life and healing.
This is a week-long retreat of research into the the world of spirits and nature as well as your own journey.
No previous handicraft, “artistic ability,” or woodworking experience necessary.
A basic workshop in shamanic healing/journeying is necessary to participate in this workshop or you have worked privately with someone. Please check with Christiana if you are uncertain.
We take at the most ten persons. No alcohol, drugs, ethnogeons please. The retreat is in English and Finnish, Swedish as necessary.
Cost: 800€ includes materials, teachings from two persons, taxes and accommodations* if in own tent, mattress on communal space (plenty of space) floor or own hammock (plenty of trees).
Non-refundable deposit of 50€ to reserve your place by 30.03.2022. Final payments on 19.04. and 19.06.2022. Limited to 8-10 places. Bursaries only if minimum of eight reached. Payment to Sola Voima or Paypal. Details from Christiana.
Meals: We prepare two-three meals per day, plus snacks, tea and coffee are available all day. We make food together.
Food is mixed vegetarian with protein, mostly organic. Perhaps fish. Definitely beans, seeds, nuts, eggs. All lactose free when moo-milk enters. We try to do all without milk. Fermented veggies and milk products are also part of menu. Almost all Allergies and special diets we consider and plan for. Please speak with Tanja or Christiana.
Teaching site: is situated on a crystal-clear lake. We have a fully-equipped kitchen, big work room with a large wood-burning fireplace. We have a sauna which has simple washing facilities. The lands around the base camp are full of granite cliffs, moss covered boulders; forests, field and bog. The area has a richness of animal life: ravens, eagles, tom-tits, woodpeckers, quail, ptarmigan, lynx, wild boar, fallow dear and white-tailed deer, mice, swans, bear, wolf… https://www. attractions/finnish-wildlife/
*More Accommodations: please bring your own tent, hammock, mattress (backpackers, air, etc). Floor space is plenty and in the common room. There might be a corner or two for more privacy. First come, first serve.
If you prefer a proper bed, with flush toilet, etc. Please reserve with Petra Makkonen, at Villa Vallaton, phone +358 40 525 5858 or . The old Rectory is about 20 min drive from the course place. Prices: 30€/night and upwards. This is a very busy time of the year in our village. Most lodgings get booked up quickly.
**Cancellations: With certified doctor’s statement we shall return your funds in full. If you cancel 21 days or less from the starting date we cannot refund your deposit unless someone steps in your place (gift someone!). If the organisers cancel (Tanja and Christiana or the place owners) we shall return your payment.
Payment information and ANY questions: info AT solavoima dot fi or WhatsUp/Telegram and phone: +358 50 494 7030 or
Arrival: You can arrive the day before. Ruotsinpyhtää or Strömfors is located in southeastern Finland about 2 hrs (coach) from Helsinki Kamppi. Coaches travel frequently near the village (main line Ruotsinpyhtää liittymä 68 (Loviisa) – about 6 km distance. From the coach stop, participants need to arrange a taxi to the camp course site. Check for coach fares and timetables. Christiana will supply local cab numbers.
Airport: Helsinki-Vantaa
Trains: there is a local train from the airport to Helsinki Central Railway. There are no trains that go towards the venue.
Coach: The destination is Ruotsinpyhtää liittymä 68 (Loviisa). Coaches leave several times per day from Helsinki Kamppi. This stop is about two hours distant from Helsinki. We will arrange one large taksi to meet one bus arrival.
Shortly about us:
CHRISTIANA ARO-HARLE, a shamanic healer, Music Therapist, Breathwork Therapist, and degrees in Women’s Consciousness, Beekeeping and Wine production as well as a shamanic drum-birther, has been working in the field of shamanic healing for well on thirty years. She has been teaching since her teens. Her path is woven with Land and Song, through Tuvan shamanic initiation with deepening paths into the Spirit of Song: the keener, the healer, the birther, the journey-er, the stinger. Christiana is passionate about supporting and guiding people to find their path, heal, remember and re-connect with Mother Earth and all Beings. This workshop is in its twenty-fourth year. VISIT:
TANJA KANGAS: is a west coast woman moved south due to work. There she began her small family and work in culture as well as being a traveller of spiritual research. A burning desire brought Tanja to shamanism about fifteen years ago and there she found her spiritual home, interest and Earth-base. That road Tanja still travels at her own pace with plants and animals as travel companions. Tanja studies many interesting things from acupuncture to haiku and budo dance, guiding the local drumming circle in Helsinki and bringing spirit-centred guidance to this world. Her free time is spent walking in the forests and on the beach. And if there is time, she whips out the yarn and needles to knit or drop into the world of stories and myths. Tanja has been apprenticed to this drum-birthing for ten years.
FB Sola Voima – Christiana Aro-Harle
Instagram: sola_voima or christianaharle