First Shamanic Gathering and Conference in Finland
Stockfors, Pyhtää, Finland
Hosted by:
Shamaaniseura ry (Shamansföreningen rf, Shamanic Centre of Finland Association)
Sola Voima
JOIN us!
This is an invitation for all those surrounding the Baltic Sea – this Eastern Sea to join us, bring your shamanic beauty, knowledge, stories, songs, dances, wisdom to Stockfors. Folk of Fenno-Ugric lands, Sámiland, Ingerland, Karelia, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, even Denmark! We share the same water. Rise up, Come out!
Welcome to the First Shamanic Gathering and Conference in Finland
Christiana Aro-Harle +358504947030 mobile phone and sms or telegram (No WhatsApp) - INTERNET:
About applying to be part of the programme
- Christiana Aro-Harle +358504947030
- Juha Kuurajärvi, p. 040 166 2655
- Hanna Ojanen, p. 044 566 0034
For all those who are interested in shamanism as a complimentary field of healing practises, as part of culture and ancestors, in ceremonies and as part of future and present, as a path of walking in this beautiful world are welcome.
Four days of ceremony, teachings, crafting, dancing, singing, working with the land and delicious food and company.
The place we have chosen for this grand and humble gathering is Stockfors in Pyhtää, Finland. Here we find indoor facilities, outdoor spaces, the forest across the street and flowing by is Kymi River.
The theme given by Spirit for the First Finnish Shamanic Gathering is Rising Up, Coming Out! Ask your Spirit helpers/guides/power animals/teachers/of nature what that means! Briefly, in Finnish, we mean by Rising up is for the Nature of the shaman to get strong, come up, get ready, get connected. It can also mean their personality – and even mean their spirit to go deeper into the Spirit World, with their Spirit Helpers. Coming Out is being seen – bringing Spirit or Spirit bringing you! And then we have the RISE UP Peoples of Earth, Come out and together! Be together!
Still, ask your Spirit helpers – guides!
Why now?
The ripening of the abundance of offerings is overflowing. Time to offer the fruits, the honey combs that have been collecting over the years in the realm of shamanism here in Finland and the Baltic region.
In Finland, since the late 80’s shamanic healing, -workshops, -services, -teachings, -handcrafts, -art, -music has grown exponentially in Finland. According to the official Finnish tax registrar the first business listed for offering “shamanistinen parantaminen… konsultointi, ohjaaminen, markkinointiviestintää, myynti, materiaalin tuonti ja vienti… omistaa ja hallita kiinteistöjä” was in 2001, May.
Now is the time to bring together those who are interested in shamanism. To make offerings together. To make ceremony together. To dance and sing together. To learn together. To meet and be seen.
Some history: for many years one of the current organisers was presenter/participant/ organiser at several international shamanic-animistic gatherings in Canada, USA and UK during a ten-year period. For quite some time there has been a desire to share something similar here in Finland, for Finland’s shamanic community, for the Baltic region. The model that is being used for this weaving together is of all the good strong threads from the other conferences in the hope and prayer that something of beauty shall be brought forth here in Finland. Praise and gratefulness to UK Shamanic Gathering (formerly UK Society for Shamanic practitioner gathering) and the original organisers, as well as the animistic-shamanistic community Wolven Path/Sacred Circle of the Great Mystery Shamanic Society in British Columbia.
Shamanic Gathering and Conference 2021
All the offered workshops and activities, dances and concerts are rooted in shamanism and shamanic practices. The programme is set so that there are choices to be made in which sessions or workshops you wish to attend.
We are hoping that we have an abundance of choices so that we can offer a variety of teachings, workshops, discussion groups, even ceremonies. All are participatory. They are not therapy sessions.
There will be early morning awakening for those who are awake at dawn. Breakfast is followed by gathering all together in circle to learn of the day, who is teaching and offering workshops as well as a shorter “plenary” session on gathering the threads-thoughts-heart strings for the day.
Then we are all off to chose a shorter workshop session. Lunch is served midday preparing us for the longer afternoon sessions, or maybe two shorter sessions. As always, in true Finnish tradition: coffee breaks too! Following the afternoon session is dinner, to fill the body with nutrients for we continue on for a grand gathering of all folk together to be in circle with a special teacher, or dance, or in ceremony – who knows!
How are we defining shamanism?
- Roots in indigenous culture that have branched into modern or revivalist culture
- Roots in Spirit World and Mother Earth
- Only with the assistance of known helping spirits is work done on persons and all our relatives
- Not psychologised nor “I am the centre” or all is “symbol” mentality
- Oral traditions
- Based on all is alive, I am a part of all that is around me, and I am not alone
- Not a religion, more of a world view, a path, a way of living in this world
- Is found throughout the world cultures in many, many forms
- The Shaman (local culture has different words for this person) is a healer.
- Through the use of the “shamanic journey” or sending part of one’s soul to the Spirit World with the help of one’s Spirit Helpers using drum, voice, rattle, and/or dance, healing is found and returned to the person, community, place with that healing, remembering everything that happened along the way.
- May involve psycho-pomp: what some folk call theatre, officiator roles but not necessarily
- May use instruments, land, elements, voice, dance/movement, art and crafting, story-telling to access and express these realms
A smoking station shall be set up for those imbibe the Tobacco Spirit through their lungs.